FAKRO takes another step towards sustainable development - Together into a green future!

Publication of the Sustainable Development Report for the year 2022

Sustainable Development Report


The Sustainable Development Report for the year 2022 - Together into a green future has been published by the company FAKRO. This is another step in the pursuit of higher standards of social responsibility and environmental protection.


In the report, we clearly communicate the specific sustainable actions and practices undertaken by the company in 2022. The primary goal of the report is to highlight conscious steps towards reducing negative impact on the natural environment while simultaneously increasing positive impact on the community.


We have focused on reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, we commit to reducing our carbon footprint by implementing more efficient production processes, including increasing the use of renewable energy sources and supporting initiatives aimed at improving energy efficiency in buildings.


The report also highlights the social initiatives undertaken by the organization. We collaborate with partners, building transparent and mutually respectful relationships. In line with our corporate values, we cultivate an organizational culture and listen to the needs of our team. We actively engage with local communities by investing in education, health, and support for those in need.


The FAKRO Sustainable Development Report demonstrates the long-standing philosophy of our organization. We design, plan, and produce with care for the natural environment. The publication of this report is an expression of transparency and responsibility towards our stakeholders, as explained by Paulina Tarczyńska, Head of the Sustainable Development and Administration Team at FAKRO.


We are committed to continuing our efforts for sustainable development and regularly publishing reports that reflect progress in achieving the goals set by FAKRO's sustainable development strategy.


As the President of FAKRO, I am proud of the progress we have made in these key areas that are not only significant for our business success but also for the well-being of our planet and the welfare of the community in which we operate, summarizes Ryszard Florek, President of the Management Board of FAKRO.


The Sustainable Development Report for the year 2022 - Together into a green future has been prepared in accordance with the international GRI reporting standard and aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals outlined in the 2030 Agenda (UN).



We invite you to read the report!